Back Pain Treatment Options in Fanwood NJ

Back pain is the leading cause of disability across the world, not just the Fanwood, NJ area. It can be very frustrating and severely limit one's ability to perform their job, hobbies, sports and social activities. There are many reasons why someone will experience back pain and statistics show that at some point in their life everyone will experience some sort of back pain.
Back pain can result of an injury, a traumatic event, infection, disease, pregnancy, genetics, repetitive use or just sleeping wrong. In fact, the list can go on and on…
At Fanwood Back Relief Center, most commonly seen is back pain as a result of macrotrauma or microtrauma. Macrotrauma occurs as a result of an injury or trauma such as falling down, getting tackled on the football field or being involved in a motor vehicle accident. Microtrauma occurs as a result of repetitive stress and strain such as when someone has job that requires them to bend, twist, push, pull or lift over and over again.
The spinal column is composed of vertebral bones, discs (cushions between the bones), nerves (act as extensions of the spinal cord and brain), muscles, tendons and ligaments. When someone experiences back pain is mostly the result of compromise to the muscular and/or nervous system.
Both of the above scenarios can cause various conditions of the spine that will cause back pain. Below are the most common conditions we have seen at our clinic in the Fanwood, NJ area:
Sprain / Strain Injury: This is by far the most common cause of back pain. This is where the soft tissues of the spine such as the muscles, tendons and ligaments will develop microscopic tears that usually repair themselves with the proper rest and treatment.
Bulging and herniated disc: Often the result of a macrotrama, bulging or herniated discs can cause minor to severe debilitating pain. It is where the spongy disc between the bones of the spine migrates out towards where the nerve tissue is located and can cause inflammation, irritation or direct pressure on the spinal nerve or nerve root. In more extreme cases, the center of the disc that houses the nucleus pulpous (contains the nourishment to keep the disc healthy) will spill out and the disc will become dehydrated, malnourished and degenerative.
Degenerative Disc/Joint Disease: DDD/DJD is a condition of disc decay. It is where the disc becomes squashed, dried up & permanently damaged. The more the disc looses its water content and nourishment (water & blood supply) the less it has the ability to absorb shock and allow movement of the spine. Also to note is that as the disc gets compressed, the area in which the nerve travels becomes more and more enclosed compromising its function to supply the muscles and organ systems of the body with information form the brain.
Spinal Stenosis: Spinal stenosis is where there is an enclosure or narrowing of the spaces of the spine that contains the spinal cord and spinal nerves. This can cause inflammation and/or irritation of the soft tissues of the spine such as the nerves, muscles and ligaments.
The above conditions are simply the most common causes of back pain cases seen at Fanwood Back Relief Center. All conditions can cause pain, stiffness, tightness, muscle spasm and loss of function. In severe cases where there is nerve irritation or damage someone can experience extremity numbness, tingling, pain and/or weakness.
The first line of defense in combating back pain is prevention. Maintaining proper alignment and posture is of utmost importance as is making sure that the soft tissues are able to function without restriction. Proper sitting, standing and lifting ergonomics also can go a long way in preventing back pain.
If all else fails then the practitioners of Fanwood Back Relief Center are highly trained and skilled and treating almost all sources of back pain at our state of the art facility and have been taking care of the neighbors of Fanwood, NJ. Treating back pain is a team approach and may include the use of some if not all of the following:
- Chiropractic care
- Physical Therapy
- Spinal Decompression
- Class IV Laser Therapy
- Soft Tissue Therapy
- Spinal Bracing
When considering a remedy for Back Pain, visit Fanwood Back Relief Center. Our physicians come highly recommended by numerous physicians in Union, Middlesex and Somerset counties. Feel free to contact us at 908-288-7129 for a free in-office consultation. Just tell them that you read this article and you will receive our complimentary in-office evaluation (a $145 value).
9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Fanwood Back Relief Center
193 Terrill Road
Fanwood, NJ 07023