FBRC Health Updates

Vitamin D for Back Pain in Fanwood?

Vitamin D for Back Pain in Fanwood?

Vitamin D for Back Pain in Fanwood? Past research has found that individuals with vitamin D deficiency have an elevated risk for back pain. In this study, researchers observed that severely vitamin D deficient back pain patients who took an initial dose of 100,000 IU of vitamin D3 and daily does of 4,000 IU of…

Another Reason to Eat Fish During Pregnancy in Fanwood

Another Reason to Eat Fish During Pregnancy in Fanwood

Another Reason to Eat Fish During Pregnancy in Fanwood Women in Fanwood may be able to aid the development of their unborn child’s eyesight and brain function by eating more fish. A study that included 56 mothers and their children revealed that infants whose moms ate fish three or more times a week during the…

The Association Between Omega-3 Fatty Acids and the Heart in Fanwood

The Association Between Omega-3 Fatty Acids and the Heart in Fanwood

The Association Between Omega-3 Fatty Acids and the Heart in Fanwood According to a study that reviewed research from 24 published papers, there’s an association between an increased consumption of omega-3 fatty acids and a reduced risk for cardiovascular disease. Great sources of omega-3 fatty acids that your chiropractor in Fanwood recommends include fresh fish…

Myofascial Release Effective for Neck and Arm Pain in Fanwood

Myofascial Release Effective for Neck and Arm Pain in Fanwood

Myofascial Release Effective for Neck and Arm Pain in Fanwood Myofascial release (MFR) is a hands-on technique commonly used by doctors of chiropractic in Fanwood that involves applying gentle sustained pressure into connective tissue restrictions to help eliminate pain and restore motion. A recent study set out to compare the effects of six MFR treatments…

Does Chiropractic Care in Fanwood Prevent Back Pain?

Does Chiropractic Care in Fanwood Prevent Back Pain?

Does Chiropractic Care in Fanwood Prevent Back Pain? If you suffer from non-specific low back pain in Fanwood (NSLBP), the results of a new study support continued chiropractic care following your initial course of treatment. In the study, which included 328 NSLBP patients who responded well to chiropractic treatment, those who continued to receive care…

Higher Beta-Carotene Intake Improve Breast Cancer Survivability in Fanwood

Higher Beta-Carotene Intake Improve Breast Cancer Survivability in Fanwood

Higher Beta-Carotene Intake Improve Breast Cancer Survivability in Fanwood A review of data from ten published studies involving 19,450 breast cancer patients found a higher probability of survivability among women with higher beta-carotene intake prior to their cancer diagnosis. Foods considered good sources of beta-carotene include carrots, sweet potatoes, winter squash, spinach, kale, cantaloupe, and…