FBRC Health Updates

Neck and Back Pain is Common Among Young Athletes in Fanwood

Neck and Back Pain is Common Among Young Athletes in Fanwood

Neck and Back Pain is Common Among Young Athletes in Fanwood A recent study set out to determine the frequency of neck pain and low back pain among 452 young male elite amateur athletes from a variety of sports. The results showed the lifetime prevalence of neck and back pain among members of this group…

Why Whiplash Injury Risk in Fanwood Is Greater When the Vehicle Is at Rest

Why Whiplash Injury Risk in Fanwood Is Greater When the Vehicle Is at Rest

Why Whiplash Injury Risk in Fanwood Is Greater When the Vehicle Is at Rest Drivers are almost six-times more likely to have their head in a non-neutral posture while their vehicle is stopped than when it is moving. The researchers note, “Given an increased risk of whiplash injury for initially rotated head postures, these findings…

Fanwood Chiropractor Explains the Benefits of Being Active

Fanwood Chiropractor Explains the Benefits of Being Active

Fanwood Chiropractor Explains the Benefits of Being Active The American Heart Association recommends that healthy adults get a minimum of 150 minutes of exercise per week. The association adds that regular physical activity in Fanwood can help improve one’s health in the following ways: reduces tension, anxiety, depression and anger; decreases the risk of developing…

Exercise Cuts Risk of Chronic Disease Among Seniors in Fanwood

Exercise Cuts Risk of Chronic Disease Among Seniors in Fanwood

Exercise Cuts Risk of Chronic Disease Among Seniors in Fanwood Among a group of over 1,500 Australian adults, researchers found that those who engaged in the highest levels of physical activity at age 50 were significantly more likely to avoid stroke, heart disease, angina, cancer, and diabetes during the next decade. Scientific Reports, July 2018.…

Fanwood Chiropractor Explains Ways Exercise May Lower Cancer Risk

Fanwood Chiropractor Explains Ways Exercise May Lower Cancer Risk

Fanwood Chiropractor Explains Ways Exercise May Lower Cancer Risk The National Cancer Institute notes that daily exercise can lower your cancer risk in the following ways: it helps to lower levels of hormones, such as insulin and estrogen, which have been associated with cancer development and growth; it helps prevent obesity and insulin resistance; it…

Fanwood Chiropractor Provides Reasons to Start Walking More

Fanwood Chiropractor Provides Reasons to Start Walking More

Fanwood Chiropractor ProvidesReasons to Start Walking More Walking as little as 30 minutes a day can lead to several quality of life improvements, including: stronger and healthier bones; weight reduction, increased lean muscle mass, improved mood, stress reduction, higher self-esteem, increased flexibility, and better mental health. WebMD, July 2018. Try your best to implement walking…