FBRC Health Updates
Why Don’t More People Walk or Bike to Work in Fanwood?
Why Don’t More People Walk or Bike to Work in Fanwood? A major reason people drive their car to work in Fanwood is that they believe they don’t have time to walk or cycle. A study involving over 250 people found that 91% of workers incorrectly estimated walking time and 93% misjudged how long it…
Your Back Pain in Fanwood May Be Related to Low Vitamin D
Your Back Pain in Fanwood May Be Related to Low Vitamin D Recent studies have revealed that vitamin D in Fanwood plays a vital role in many disease processes. In this study, researchers found a link between deficient vitamin D levels and an increased risk for muscle cramps, fatigue, mood swings, hair loss, back pain,…
MS Patients and Chiropractic Care in Fanwood
MS Patients and Chiropractic Carein Fanwood In a recent study, researchers evaluated complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) usage among 524 multiple sclerosis (MS) patients in Fanwood and 304 healthy controls and found that MS patients are more likely to use CAM, with chiropractic, massage, and acupuncture being the most popular choices. Treatment for MS in…
Reasons to Strength Train in Fanwood
Reasons to Strength Train in Fanwood According to health experts, lifting weights in Fanwood improves more than just muscle strength. The science-based benefits of resistance training that don’t include getting bigger muscles include: reduces abdominal fat, improves cardiovascular health, helps control blood sugar, lowers the risk of certain cancers, reduces risk of injury, improves mental…
Chiropractor in Fanwood Explains If Coffee Is Good for Your Heart
Chiropractor in Fanwood Explains If Coffee Is Good for Your Heart Coffee lovers in Fanwood may have a lower risk for clogged arteries. In a new study, researchers surveyed over 4,400 individuals about their coffee-drinking habits and found that those who drank three or more cups of coffee a day had less calcium build-up on…
Chiropractor in Fanwood Explains How Neck Arthritis is Linked to Brain Changes
Chiropractor in Fanwood Explains How Neck Arthritis is Linked to Brain Changes Advanced cervical arthritis in Fanwood can lead to neurological impairment due to its impact on the spinal cord, but what about its effect on the brain? An analysis of MRI scans of 26 patients with cervical arthritis and 45 healthy subjects showed that…